Would you be surprised to learn that your schooling experience didn’t provide you the tools to use loans and debt products to your advantage? For most people, interest is the second biggest expense in their lives after taxes. What if I told you you’ve been trained to pay 80% interest while thinking you’re paying 6%?… Continue reading How to Leverage Debt and Usury Against Itself (Ep.138)
Category: General
Secret Rainbow Clubs in Elementary School Exposed! BUT NOW WHAT? (Ep.132)
Clown world continues to penetrate the social fabric more and more every day, and some feel the courage to speak up righteously against it. But what does that do, exactly? Is there a better way we could be spending our energy? (Hint: Yes. Watch the video.) Notes: Original Video Link: https://x.com/libsoftiktok/status/1765791666361815180?s=20 California Law Search: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displayexpandedbranch.xhtml?tocCode=EDC&division=&title=1.&part=&chapter=&article=&nodetreepath=1… Continue reading Secret Rainbow Clubs in Elementary School Exposed! BUT NOW WHAT? (Ep.132)
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