Mark Herr from the Center For Self-Governance ( joins Irida TV to discuss how we can begin to remove ourselves from the time-sucking black hole of partisan politics. Systematic politics is an entirely different mindset that allows you to be much more successfully change the system. It requires the counterintuitive move of suppressing the survival… Continue reading How are your survival and tribal instincts used against you? (Ep.137)
Western Civilization – Where To From Here? Pt. 4 (Ep.136)
We were hosted again by our friend John Coleman at the Apocatastasis Institute to discuss the future of Western civilization. We discuss the general theory of the evolution of civilizations as per Carroll Quigley, and where within the lifecycle we see Western civilization headed at this point. We delve into the changes coming to today’s… Continue reading Western Civilization – Where To From Here? Pt. 4 (Ep.136)
How Decentralization & Cryptocurrency Create a New Age of Expansion (Ep.135)
We discuss the lifecycle of civilizations, our current Age of Conflict, and the role that cryptocurrency, decentralization & artificial intelligence will play in bringing about a new age of expansion where institutionalized monopolies are broken up and ideas can flourish freely once again. Notes: Mineral Project Morpheus AI… Find all our content &… Continue reading How Decentralization & Cryptocurrency Create a New Age of Expansion (Ep.135)
Western Civilization – Just Rise, No Fall? (Ep.134)
Is Western Civilization in its final throes like the end of the Roman Empire? We argue an emphatic NO! The West has gone through three cycles of being at its “fall”, and not only can we recover from it again, we’re already seeing the signs of that recovery. Listen to learn how! This is part… Continue reading Western Civilization – Just Rise, No Fall? (Ep.134)
How Decentralization & Crypto Will Kill Corporate AI – With David A. Johnston (Ep.133)
Cryptocurrency pioneer and Artificial Intelligence investor David A. Johnston joins us to discuss how decentralized open source AI, powered by cryptocurrency, is bound make centralized corporate AI solutions obsolete. David is the author of the 2013 whitepaper “The General Theory of Decentralized Applications, Dapps” which defined for the first time the Dapps model for building… Continue reading How Decentralization & Crypto Will Kill Corporate AI – With David A. Johnston (Ep.133)
Secret Rainbow Clubs in Elementary School Exposed! BUT NOW WHAT? (Ep.132)
Clown world continues to penetrate the social fabric more and more every day, and some feel the courage to speak up righteously against it. But what does that do, exactly? Is there a better way we could be spending our energy? (Hint: Yes. Watch the video.) Notes: Original Video Link: California Law Search:… Continue reading Secret Rainbow Clubs in Elementary School Exposed! BUT NOW WHAT? (Ep.132)
Jimmy Dore Sounds Alarm on Accelerating National Debt! Does the national debt even matter? (Ep.131)
Jimmy Dore is close to understanding the monetary system and just needs some coaxing to get over the finish line. The national debt isn’t as big of a deal as everyone makes it out to be. The Federal Reserve is a public institution. The interest on the “debt” held by the Federal Reserve gets paid… Continue reading Jimmy Dore Sounds Alarm on Accelerating National Debt! Does the national debt even matter? (Ep.131)
Stephen Colbert Preps Public for AI Overlords with WEF Mad Scientist Yuval Noah Harari (Ep.130)
Chronically unfunny Stephen Colbert interviews WEF mad scientist Yuval Noah Harari on The Late Show to begin prepping the public to accept artificial intelligence as the decision maker and government in their lives. Notes: Original Video:
The 7 Stages of Civilization – Part 2 of a Discussion on How to Save the West (Ep.129)
NO BLACKPILLS ALLOWED! The West is not in its final stages like Rome. How do we know this? First we need to dissect what makes a civilization and how a civilization goes through its life cycle. Dylan Moore and Nima Mahdjour of Irida TV make a guest appearance on the Apocatastasis Institute to continue the… Continue reading The 7 Stages of Civilization – Part 2 of a Discussion on How to Save the West (Ep.129)
Why the Debt Ceiling is Nonsense | Stop Freaking Out (Ep.128)
The national debt and the debt ceiling are fake issues devised to keep us fighting over nothing. Interest rates are an arbitrary political decision. It’s impossible for the US government to borrow US dollars. The government needs to spend before it can tax. The Federal Reserve is a public institution. Stop worrying about the debt… Continue reading Why the Debt Ceiling is Nonsense | Stop Freaking Out (Ep.128)