Mark Herr of the Center For Self Governance explains how the United States became a republic with seven political boundaries and how their ongoing erosion is enabling today’s power grabs. From vaccine mandates to race indoctrination, Mark lays out how to effectively take back your individual liberties by understanding how the game is played.
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Regarding the question of the powers funding, employing, and backing Charles Merriam see his Wikipedia page:
‘From April to September 1918 (…) he may even have used Rockefeller Foundation money to help convince socialist leader Benito Mussolini to support the war.’
‘He co-founded the Local Community Research Committee (LCRC) in 1923 with money from the Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial Foundation’
‘He also helped organize the Social Science Research Council (an outgrowth of the LCRC) in 1923 with a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation, and served as its first president in 1924.’
‘In 1929, he co-founded (again, with a grant from the Spelman Rockefeller Memorial Foundation) the Public Administration Clearing House, an umbrella group which fostered collaboration and communication among associations in the field of public administration.’
Also interesting to point out that he is apparently the actual founder of behavioralism: