Washington State GOP Election Integrity Chair Bill Bruch comes in studio with Dylan Moore to discuss the alarming trends in the election data from the 2022 General Elections.
- Skagit County Republican Party Election Integrity Resource Page: https://skagitrepublicans.com/ElectionIntegrity
- More Washington State Sham and Scam “Audits”: https://skagitrepublicans.com/MOREWASHINGTONSTATESHAMANDSCAMAUDITS
- Washington State Fake “Recounts” That Are Not Recounts: https://skagitrepublicans.com/WashingtonStateElectionFakeRecountsthatarenotRecounts
- “Washington State Elections Fiasco” by Blll Bruch: https://skagitrepublicans.com/WashingtonStateElectionsFiascobyBillBruch
- Who Counts the Votes: https://whocountsthevotes.com/