Washington State GOP Election Integrity Chair Bill Bruch comes in studio with Dylan Moore to discuss the alarming trends in the election data from the 2022 General Elections. Notes: Skagit County Republican Party Election Integrity Resource Page: https://skagitrepublicans.com/ElectionIntegrity More Washington State Sham and Scam “Audits”: https://skagitrepublicans.com/MOREWASHINGTONSTATESHAMANDSCAMAUDITS Washington State Fake “Recounts” That Are Not Recounts: https://skagitrepublicans.com/WashingtonStateElectionFakeRecountsthatarenotRecounts… Continue reading WA State 2022 Midterm Election Review Update With Bill Bruch (Ep. 76)
Tag: 2020 election
BOMBSHELL – State of Oregon Admits In Court That Election Machines Are Connected To The Internet (Ep.70)
Nobel Nominee Dr. Douglas Frank joins Dylan Moore of Irida TV to discuss the NEW EVIDENCE that was recently admitting to an Oregon Court on election integrity! Synopsis: a county clerk screws up and sends BALLOT IMAGES to a local citizen doing election integrity research. The Oregon SOS freaks out and gets the Attorney General… Continue reading BOMBSHELL – State of Oregon Admits In Court That Election Machines Are Connected To The Internet (Ep.70)
State Election Integrity Chairman shines light on brand new data for WA State Elections (Ep. 68)
Bill Bruch, Washington State GOP Election Integrity Chairman, six-year Skagit County GOP Chairman, business owner, former WA State House Representative candidate, and former La Conner, WA city councilman breaks down the latest election and voting data from Washington State sources, including data from the Secretary of State. Notes: Skagit Republicans Washington State Elections Fiasco by… Continue reading State Election Integrity Chairman shines light on brand new data for WA State Elections (Ep. 68)
Upgrading The US Election System To Third World Standards (Ep.42)
Glen Morgan with WeTheGoverned.com joins us to elaborate on the most obvious shortcomings of the US election system, and what efforts you can get involved in to bring US election integrity up to to par with the standards that we impose on Third World countries today. Notes: We The Governed website https://www.wethegoverned.com/ Freedom Foundation https://www.freedomfoundation.com/… Continue reading Upgrading The US Election System To Third World Standards (Ep.42)
How We’re Restoring Election Integrity – With WA GOP Bill Bruch (Ep.41)
Skagit County & Washington GOP Election Integrity Chair Bill Bruch joins us to discuss the 2020 election fraud and what is being done to restore election integrity in the United States. Notes: Skagit County Republicans https://skagitrepublicans.com Ohio voter rolls bloated https://web.archive.org/web/20120921013857/http://www.dispatch.com/content/stories/local/2012/09/16/voter-rolls-in-ohio-are-bloated-experts-say.html Dick Morris: Investigate 2012 vote fraud https://thehill.com/opinion/dick-morris/203019-dick-morris-investigate-2012-vote-fraud Confirmed voter fraud incidents https://www.heritage.org/voterfraud/search?combine=&state=OH&year=&case_type=All&fraud_type=All&page=1 Obama likely… Continue reading How We’re Restoring Election Integrity – With WA GOP Bill Bruch (Ep.41)
Stopping Election Fraud Starts With You – With Army Captain Seth Keshel (Ep.32)
Former Army Captain of Military Intelligence and Afghanistan veteran Seth Keshel MBA joins us to discuss his monumental findings about the 2020 election, and how to stand strong and succeed with courage in the face of adversity, among many other topics. Notes: Seth Keshel’s website https://captk.com Cultural Marxism https://mises.org/wire/what-cultural-marxism Wayne county canvassers don’t certify election… Continue reading Stopping Election Fraud Starts With You – With Army Captain Seth Keshel (Ep.32)
The 2020 Election Steal: How You’ll Prevent It From Ever Happening Again (Ep.22)
Boeing engineering project manager & process integrity specialist Jim Miller joins us to explain how the 2020 election was stolen and what you can do to prevent it from ever happening again in a few simple steps. Notes: Election Hope https://www.electionhope.com How Washington state pioneered vote by mail https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/politics/washington-was-a-vote-by-mail-pioneer-now-other-states-are-following-suit-amid-coronavirus 300 recall ballots, drugs, multiple driver’s… Continue reading The 2020 Election Steal: How You’ll Prevent It From Ever Happening Again (Ep.22)