Argentina Revisited (Ep. 146)

We discuss the economic situation in Argentina, following up on a previous episode we recorded when Javier Milei was elected President. Notes: *Correction: When discussing savings drain on the Argentinian private sector we meant $ billions, not trillions. Argentina Economic Numbers Discussed in Video: Irida.TV Javier Milei – Based Rebel… Continue reading Argentina Revisited (Ep. 146)

Javier Milei – Based Rebel or Globalist Shill? (Ep.117)

We discuss implications of the Argentine presidential election results where victory was handed to “Argentina’s Trump” Javier Milei whom many refer to as a far right market radical who doesn’t care about the poor. We delve into the root causes of Argentina’s economic struggles and how they should be addressed in the long run. Notes:… Continue reading Javier Milei – Based Rebel or Globalist Shill? (Ep.117)