We discuss questions, feedback, and comments we’ve recently received about public finance, economics, and the monetary system. Among other things we discuss the nature of public vs private debt, libertarian morals, bronze & gold money, the public vs private nature of the US Federal Reserve Bank, fiat vs commodity money, and fractional reserve banking. Notes:… Continue reading MMT, Monetary History, Gold & Why the National Debt Doesn’t Matter (Ep. 147)
Tag: central bank
Sorry Guys… But the Federal Reserve Isn’t Private (Ep.118)
WHAT?! The Federal Reserve is totally private? No way. Dylan of Irida TV kills a sacred cow by going over just how the Federal Reserve functions and, sorry to burst everyone’s bubble, comes to the conclusion that The Fed is very much a government organization. Show Notes: The Federal Reserve Act: https://www.federalreserve.gov/aboutthefed/fract.htm Eligibility of Federal… Continue reading Sorry Guys… But the Federal Reserve Isn’t Private (Ep.118)
What’s Wrong with the Official Banking Narrative? (Ep. 110)
We discuss the mainstream narratives of banking and economics and examine glaring flaws in it, referencing an analysis by economist Prof. Richard Werner. Notes: Shifting from Central Planning to a Decentralised Economy https://professorwerner.org/shifting-from-central-planning-to-a-decentralised-economy/ Find all our content at https://irida.tv Check out our forbidden news aggregator at https://dissentwatch.com
Did Russia Just Go On A Gold Standard? (Ep.45)
Nima & Dylan discuss the Russian government’s recent announcements regarding gold purchases and rouble payments for oil exports. Notes: Russian cenbank to restart buying gold from banks, will pay fixed price from March 28 https://www.reuters.com/business/finance/russian-cenbank-restart-buying-gold-banks-will-pay-fixed-price-march-28-2022-03-25/ NeonRevolt gab regarding Russian gold policy https://gab.com/NeonRevolt/posts/108026435751497428 US industry capacity utilization https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/TCU Find all our content & social media at… Continue reading Did Russia Just Go On A Gold Standard? (Ep.45)