Practical Steps to Secure Election Integrity In YOUR County – With WA Clark County Auditor Candidate Brett Simpson (Ep.71)

Dylan Moore with Irida TV interviews WA State Clark County Auditor Candidate Brett Simpson about his campaign and his practical knowledge of how to practically fight back against a compromised election system. Notes: Brett Simpson’s Website: Find all our content at

BOMBSHELL – State of Oregon Admits In Court That Election Machines Are Connected To The Internet (Ep.70)

Nobel Nominee Dr. Douglas Frank joins Dylan Moore of Irida TV to discuss the NEW EVIDENCE that was recently admitting to an Oregon Court on election integrity! Synopsis: a county clerk screws up and sends BALLOT IMAGES to a local citizen doing election integrity research. The Oregon SOS freaks out and gets the Attorney General… Continue reading BOMBSHELL – State of Oregon Admits In Court That Election Machines Are Connected To The Internet (Ep.70)

Primary Results, Election Integrity & More! With Mason WA Auditor Candidate Steve Duenkel (Ep.62)

Steve Duenkel joins us to share exciting news about recent primary results and what he plans to do as Auditor in Washington state’s Mason County. Notes: Steve Duenkel’s website Find all our content & social media at

Voter Canvassing Reveals 58% Anomaly Rate – With Mason County WA Auditor Candidate Steve Duenkel (Ep.59)

Washington’s Mason County Auditor candidate Steve Duenkel joins us again for an update on the shocking results of the canvassing efforts in his county and how he plans to stir things up if elected. Notes: Steve Duenkel’s website IDEA handbook Washington State Association of County Auditors Washington House Bill 1060 Find… Continue reading Voter Canvassing Reveals 58% Anomaly Rate – With Mason County WA Auditor Candidate Steve Duenkel (Ep.59)

Nobel Prize Nominee Dr. Douglas Frank PhD Discusses Science & Election Integrity (Ep.58)

Nobel Prize nominee & scientist Dr. Douglas G. Frank PhD joins us to discuss how his widely sought after modeling techniques led him from successful epidemiological data modeling to election fraud detection & prevention. Notes: Dr. Douglas G. Frank PhD biography Dr. Douglas G. Frank PhD Telegram [S]ELECTION CODE Precinct Strategy… Continue reading Nobel Prize Nominee Dr. Douglas Frank PhD Discusses Science & Election Integrity (Ep.58)

Irida TV Makes Move On Election Integrity In Washington State (Ep.56)

Dylan Moore with IridaTV unveils his strategy to improve a key component of election integrity within Washington State! Joined by lawyer Pete Serrano of the Silent Majority Foundation they discuss the gaping hole in Washington State’s election system, how they’re using state law to address it administratively, and what you can expect to hear from… Continue reading Irida TV Makes Move On Election Integrity In Washington State (Ep.56)

Returning Transparency & Integrity To Our Elections – With Mason County Auditor Candidate Steve Duenkel (Ep.55)

Candidate for Auditor in Washington state’s Mason county Steve Duenkel joins us to share some shocking findings from local voter roll integrity audits, and how he seeks to return transparency and integrity to the election process. Corrections: There are ~44,000 voters on the rolls in Mason county, not 84,000 as initially stated. Notes: Steve Duenkel’s… Continue reading Returning Transparency & Integrity To Our Elections – With Mason County Auditor Candidate Steve Duenkel (Ep.55)

How The Washington Establishment Tried To Frame Me – With State Rep. Robert Sutherland (Ep.49)

Scientist, Air Force veteran, and Washington state representative Robert Sutherland joins us to talk about his platform, election integrity, why he decided to serve as representative, and how the Washington state establishment tried to frame him for disagreeing with their agenda. Notes: Robert Sutherland’s website Compulsory education in the US highlight Media misinformation… Continue reading How The Washington Establishment Tried To Frame Me – With State Rep. Robert Sutherland (Ep.49)

How I Will Bring Election Integrity To Deep Blue Washington – With Sen. Wagoner, Secretary Of State Candidate (Ep.44)

Washington state Senator Keith Wagoner who is running for Secretary of state joins us to discuss his plans for fixing the state’s election process and why he is the best candidate for the office. Notes: Keith Wagoner for Secretary of state campaign website Republican Keith Wagoner announces run for Washington Secretary of state… Continue reading How I Will Bring Election Integrity To Deep Blue Washington – With Sen. Wagoner, Secretary Of State Candidate (Ep.44)

Upgrading The US Election System To Third World Standards (Ep.42)

Glen Morgan with joins us to elaborate on the most obvious shortcomings of the US election system, and what efforts you can get involved in to bring US election integrity up to to par with the standards that we impose on Third World countries today. Notes: We The Governed website Freedom Foundation… Continue reading Upgrading The US Election System To Third World Standards (Ep.42)