Would you be surprised to learn that your schooling experience didn’t provide you the tools to use loans and debt products to your advantage? For most people, interest is the second biggest expense in their lives after taxes. What if I told you you’ve been trained to pay 80% interest while thinking you’re paying 6%?… Continue reading How to Leverage Debt and Usury Against Itself (Ep.138)
Tag: finance
Usury and Self-Oppression (Ep.113)
Some thoughts following up a great conversation with Dr. E Michael Jones on usury, banking, and business. How do we identify where the SYSTEM is oppressing us vs. where we are suppressing ourselves? Adjusting ourselves is always easier than adjusting others, so how do we identify those cases to put our energy into the best… Continue reading Usury and Self-Oppression (Ep.113)
Economics Requires Morality with Dr E Michael Jones (Ep.112)
Dr. E Michael Jones joins us at IridaTV to discuss his pivotal work on economics, Barren Metal. What is the most fundamental and important aspect of an economy? Who should benefit from and what is the value of labor? How do you extract value from others’ labor without doing any work? Dr Jones answers within!… Continue reading Economics Requires Morality with Dr E Michael Jones (Ep.112)
The Spontaneous Death Of Globalism – Part 2 (Ep.81)
Nima & Dylan discuss the financial implications of current ongoing global demographic changes according to Peter Zeihan as per his book “The End of the World is just the Beginning”. Link to full playlist with all episodes from this series Notes: “The End of the World is just the Beginning”, by Peter Zeihan https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_End_of_the_World_is_just_the_Beginning Find… Continue reading The Spontaneous Death Of Globalism – Part 2 (Ep.81)