Jimmy Dore Sounds Alarm on Accelerating National Debt! Does the national debt even matter? (Ep.131)

Jimmy Dore is close to understanding the monetary system and just needs some coaxing to get over the finish line. The national debt isn’t as big of a deal as everyone makes it out to be. The Federal Reserve is a public institution. The interest on the “debt” held by the Federal Reserve gets paid… Continue reading Jimmy Dore Sounds Alarm on Accelerating National Debt! Does the national debt even matter? (Ep.131)

Economics Requires Morality with Dr E Michael Jones (Ep.112)

Dr. E Michael Jones joins us at IridaTV to discuss his pivotal work on economics, Barren Metal. What is the most fundamental and important aspect of an economy? Who should benefit from and what is the value of labor? How do you extract value from others’ labor without doing any work? Dr Jones answers within!… Continue reading Economics Requires Morality with Dr E Michael Jones (Ep.112)

The Gold Standard & Monetary History (Ep.84)

We discuss the history of money and the arguments for and against the gold standard, cross referencing in part sections from Prof. Carroll Quigley’s “Tragedy & Hope” and Dr. E. Michael Jones’s “Barren Metal.” Notes: “Barren Metal” by Dr. E. Michael Jones https://www.fidelitypress.org/book-products/barren-metal “Tragedy & Hope” by Carroll Quigley https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/726546.Tragedy_and_Hope “Debt – The First 5000… Continue reading The Gold Standard & Monetary History (Ep.84)

Did Russia Just Go On A Gold Standard? (Ep.45)

Nima & Dylan discuss the Russian government’s recent announcements regarding gold purchases and rouble payments for oil exports. Notes: Russian cenbank to restart buying gold from banks, will pay fixed price from March 28 https://www.reuters.com/business/finance/russian-cenbank-restart-buying-gold-banks-will-pay-fixed-price-march-28-2022-03-25/ NeonRevolt gab regarding Russian gold policy https://gab.com/NeonRevolt/posts/108026435751497428 US industry capacity utilization https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/TCU Find all our content & social media at… Continue reading Did Russia Just Go On A Gold Standard? (Ep.45)

The Conflict Between Labor & Usury – With Dr. E. Michael Jones (Ep.17)

Dr. E. Michael Jones joins us to discuss his book Barren Metal: A History of Capitalism as the Conflict between Labor and Usury and many related topics involving Alchemy, austerity, banking, and monetary history. Notes: Dr. E. Michael Jones’s website & magazine Culture Wars https://culturewars.com/ Barren Metal: A History of Capitalism as the Conflict between… Continue reading The Conflict Between Labor & Usury – With Dr. E. Michael Jones (Ep.17)

The 7 Deadly Innocent Frauds Of Economic Policy – With MMT Founder Warren Mosler (Ep.9)

Warren Mosler, entrepreneur and founder of Modern Monetary Theory (MMT), joins us to discuss his book “The 7 Deadly Innocent Frauds of Economic Policy,” to share some eye opening experiences when discussing sound economics with statesmen and bureaucrats from around the world, and to weigh in on current inflation expectations. Notes: Warren Mosler’s book “The… Continue reading The 7 Deadly Innocent Frauds Of Economic Policy – With MMT Founder Warren Mosler (Ep.9)