Universal Healthcare Debate – Progressive VS Libertarian Solutions (Ep.88)

We debate the topic of Universal Healthcare with our friend Tommy From Tommy Nation Politics. Can the US Treasury afford such a massive spending program? Would it solve systemic corruption and inefficiencies in the US healthcare system? These and many more questions are debated. Notes: World Health Organization’s definition of Universal Healthcare https://www.who.int/health-topics/universal-health-coverage Tommy Nation… Continue reading Universal Healthcare Debate – Progressive VS Libertarian Solutions (Ep.88)

We’re Systematically Replacing The Old System – Join Us & Learn How! (Ep.15)

Pam Leslie, Executive Director of Center For Self Governance (CSG), along with two CSG students, detail how they were able to influence their local school board into passing a resolution proclaiming parents as primary stakeholders over their children’s futures. Furthermore they lay out examples of how private citizens are now establishing parallel institutions to allow… Continue reading We’re Systematically Replacing The Old System – Join Us & Learn How! (Ep.15)