Energy, Immigration, and Inflation: What’s Next for the U.S.? (Ep. 148)

Trump’s economic blueprint proposes revitalizing America through tariffs, domestic energy expansion, and immigration reform. These strategies promise economic revival but face scrutiny over potential ripple effects on costs, wages, and international trade. Notes: Four Key Economic Takeaways From Trump’s Inaugural Address

Javier Milei – Based Rebel or Globalist Shill? (Ep.117)

We discuss implications of the Argentine presidential election results where victory was handed to “Argentina’s Trump” Javier Milei whom many refer to as a far right market radical who doesn’t care about the poor. We delve into the root causes of Argentina’s economic struggles and how they should be addressed in the long run. Notes:… Continue reading Javier Milei – Based Rebel or Globalist Shill? (Ep.117)

Why The Dollar Refuses To Fail (Ep.95)

We discuss international currency market mechanics and why the US Dollar habitually defies the doomsayers’ predictions. Notes: Gloomy outlook issued for US dollar “No Reason” For Malaysia To Rely On US Dollar, PM Warns As Yuan Influence Grows China, Brazil Strike Deal To Ditch Dollar For Trade Mike Norman: Is everybody dumping… Continue reading Why The Dollar Refuses To Fail (Ep.95)

The Gold Standard & Monetary History (Ep.84)

We discuss the history of money and the arguments for and against the gold standard, cross referencing in part sections from Prof. Carroll Quigley’s “Tragedy & Hope” and Dr. E. Michael Jones’s “Barren Metal.” Notes: “Barren Metal” by Dr. E. Michael Jones “Tragedy & Hope” by Carroll Quigley “Debt – The First 5000… Continue reading The Gold Standard & Monetary History (Ep.84)

MMT VS Austrian Economics: Why Do Dollars & Cryptocurrency Have Value? (Ep. 63)

Dylan & Nima discuss the so called Inflation Reduction Act, Modern Monetary Theory, cryptocurrency, Anarcho-capitalism, and many other related topics. Notes: Grand Theft World podcast Inflation Reduction Act Find all our content at

Lifelong Financial Security In 30 Minutes – The Permanent Portfolio (Ep.40)

Nima and Dylan discuss Harry Browne’s Permanent Portfolio, including how and why economic fundamentals affect the assets in the portfolio. Notes: Harry Browne’s book Failsafe Investing Harry Browne Permanent Portfolio assets Kalecki’s Corporate Profit Equation When bonds aren’t bonds Discounted Cashflow Analysis Yield curve control in Japan Inverted… Continue reading Lifelong Financial Security In 30 Minutes – The Permanent Portfolio (Ep.40)

Modern Monetary Theory Isn’t The Future, It’s Here Now – With MMT Founder Warren Mosler (Ep.19)

Warren Mosler joins us to discuss inflation, Medicare for all, and a Wall Street Journal article about Modern Monetary Theory (MMT). Notes: “Modern Monetary Theory Isn’t the Future. It’s Here Now.” Warren Mosler’s website Mosler Economics Warren Mosler’s Twitter “Inflation is up 6.8% over the past year, the largest rate increase since… Continue reading Modern Monetary Theory Isn’t The Future, It’s Here Now – With MMT Founder Warren Mosler (Ep.19)

The 7 Deadly Innocent Frauds Of Economic Policy – With MMT Founder Warren Mosler (Ep.9)

Warren Mosler, entrepreneur and founder of Modern Monetary Theory (MMT), joins us to discuss his book “The 7 Deadly Innocent Frauds of Economic Policy,” to share some eye opening experiences when discussing sound economics with statesmen and bureaucrats from around the world, and to weigh in on current inflation expectations. Notes: Warren Mosler’s book “The… Continue reading The 7 Deadly Innocent Frauds Of Economic Policy – With MMT Founder Warren Mosler (Ep.9)

Austerity Is Murder – An Introduction To Modern Monetary Theory (Ep.4)

Dylan and Nima of Irida TV discuss the empirical and logical foundations of Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) and why it offers immensely mind blowing and valuable financial insights for public officials and private individuals alike. Corrections: Nima meant “heterodox,” not “heterogeneous.” Notes: “Debt – The First 5000 Years” by David Graeber Economist Randy Wray… Continue reading Austerity Is Murder – An Introduction To Modern Monetary Theory (Ep.4)