We discuss the economic situation in Argentina, following up on a previous episode we recorded when Javier Milei was elected President. Notes: *Correction: When discussing savings drain on the Argentinian private sector we meant $ billions, not trillions. Argentina Economic Numbers Discussed in Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKZmYDiNfvI https://tradingeconomics.com/argentina/inflation-cpi https://tradingeconomics.com/argentina/current-account https://tradingeconomics.com/argentina/gdp-growth https://tradingeconomics.com/argentina/government-budget-value Irida.TV Javier Milei – Based Rebel… Continue reading Argentina Revisited (Ep. 146)
Tag: interest rates
How to Leverage Debt and Usury Against Itself (Ep.138)
Would you be surprised to learn that your schooling experience didn’t provide you the tools to use loans and debt products to your advantage? For most people, interest is the second biggest expense in their lives after taxes. What if I told you you’ve been trained to pay 80% interest while thinking you’re paying 6%?… Continue reading How to Leverage Debt and Usury Against Itself (Ep.138)
Jimmy Dore Sounds Alarm on Accelerating National Debt! Does the national debt even matter? (Ep.131)
Jimmy Dore is close to understanding the monetary system and just needs some coaxing to get over the finish line. The national debt isn’t as big of a deal as everyone makes it out to be. The Federal Reserve is a public institution. The interest on the “debt” held by the Federal Reserve gets paid… Continue reading Jimmy Dore Sounds Alarm on Accelerating National Debt! Does the national debt even matter? (Ep.131)
How Do Money & Banking Actually Work? (Ep.66)
Dylan and Nima discuss three different theories of money and banking and which one appears to be most accurate, based on a 2018 Rhodes Forum conversation involving Prof. Richard Werner, author of the international bestseller “Princes of the Yen.” Notes: Conversation with Prof. Richard Werner https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FT-zyTX2nE Prof. Richard Werner https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Werner Princes of the Yen https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Princes_of_the_Yen… Continue reading How Do Money & Banking Actually Work? (Ep.66)
Lifelong Financial Security In 30 Minutes – The Permanent Portfolio (Ep.40)
Nima and Dylan discuss Harry Browne’s Permanent Portfolio, including how and why economic fundamentals affect the assets in the portfolio. Notes: Harry Browne’s book Failsafe Investing https://us.macmillan.com/books/9780312263218/failsafeinvesting Harry Browne https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harry_Browne Permanent Portfolio assets https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.rational-invest.com%2Foampevoa%2F2015%2F05%2Fbrown_permanentportfolio.png&f=1&nofb=1 Kalecki’s Corporate Profit Equation https://www.philosophicaleconomics.com/2013/11/cp/ When bonds aren’t bonds https://www.pragcap.com/when-bonds-arent-bonds/ Discounted Cashflow Analysis https://www.investopedia.com/terms/d/dcf.asp Yield curve control in Japan https://www.sipa.columbia.edu/academics/capstone-projects/bank-japan-japan-yield-curve-control-regime Inverted… Continue reading Lifelong Financial Security In 30 Minutes – The Permanent Portfolio (Ep.40)
Modern Monetary Theory Isn’t The Future, It’s Here Now – With MMT Founder Warren Mosler (Ep.19)
Warren Mosler joins us to discuss inflation, Medicare for all, and a Wall Street Journal article about Modern Monetary Theory (MMT). Notes: “Modern Monetary Theory Isn’t the Future. It’s Here Now.” https://www.wsj.com/articles/modern-monetary-theory-isnt-the-future-its-here-now-11637446538 Warren Mosler’s website Mosler Economics http://moslereconomics.com/ Warren Mosler’s Twitter https://twitter.com/wbmosler “Inflation is up 6.8% over the past year, the largest rate increase since… Continue reading Modern Monetary Theory Isn’t The Future, It’s Here Now – With MMT Founder Warren Mosler (Ep.19)