Robert Sutherland Interview – Washington State Legislature

Robert Sutherland is running again to reclaim his seat in the Washington Legislature in LD39. Robert goes over the drama and set up that allowed a republican challenger to take his seat during the last election, and how the Democratic Party and organizations that support democrats are dumping half a million dollars into making sure… Continue reading Robert Sutherland Interview – Washington State Legislature

How The Washington Establishment Tried To Frame Me – With State Rep. Robert Sutherland (Ep.49)

Scientist, Air Force veteran, and Washington state representative Robert Sutherland joins us to talk about his platform, election integrity, why he decided to serve as representative, and how the Washington state establishment tried to frame him for disagreeing with their agenda. Notes: Robert Sutherland’s website Compulsory education in the US highlight Media misinformation… Continue reading How The Washington Establishment Tried To Frame Me – With State Rep. Robert Sutherland (Ep.49)