Dylan Moore of Irida TV interviews Semi Bird who is running for Governor in Washington State for 2024 on the Republican ticket. Dylan and Semi discuss hot issues in Washington State, the details of the path to victory, and the nuance of how to actually run the State from the governor’s seat once you’re in… Continue reading Fixing Washington State – Interview with Gubernatorial Candidate Semi Bird (Ep.106)
Tag: washington state
Still depressed by the red wave that never happened in 2022? The results at the federal level may have been depressing, but there was a red tsunami all over the country in a place that you probably weren’t looking. The Erin Volz, vice-chair of the Lewis County Republican Party in Washington State, and and local… Continue reading THE RED WAVE YOU MISSED IN 2022! (Ep.91)
WA State 2022 Midterm Election Review Update With Bill Bruch (Ep. 76)
Washington State GOP Election Integrity Chair Bill Bruch comes in studio with Dylan Moore to discuss the alarming trends in the election data from the 2022 General Elections. Notes: Skagit County Republican Party Election Integrity Resource Page: https://skagitrepublicans.com/ElectionIntegrity More Washington State Sham and Scam “Audits”: https://skagitrepublicans.com/MOREWASHINGTONSTATESHAMANDSCAMAUDITS Washington State Fake “Recounts” That Are Not Recounts: https://skagitrepublicans.com/WashingtonStateElectionFakeRecountsthatarenotRecounts… Continue reading WA State 2022 Midterm Election Review Update With Bill Bruch (Ep. 76)
12 Point Plan For Election Integrity in WA State – With SOS Candidate Brad Klippert (Ep. 72)
Washington State Representative Brad Klippert joins Dylan Moore of Irida TV to discuss his write in campaign as the Republican candidate for Washington’s Secretary of State race. Brad details his 12 Point Plan to revitalize election integrity within the State of Washington. Notes: Brad Klippert’s campaign website: https://www.writeinklippert.com/ Find more of our content at https://irida.tv/
State Election Integrity Chairman shines light on brand new data for WA State Elections (Ep. 68)
Bill Bruch, Washington State GOP Election Integrity Chairman, six-year Skagit County GOP Chairman, business owner, former WA State House Representative candidate, and former La Conner, WA city councilman breaks down the latest election and voting data from Washington State sources, including data from the Secretary of State. Notes: Skagit Republicans Washington State Elections Fiasco by… Continue reading State Election Integrity Chairman shines light on brand new data for WA State Elections (Ep. 68)
Local Business Owner Wins Congressional Primary at Last Minute! (Ep.65)
Congressional House Candidate Cliff Moon joins Dylan Moore from IridaTV to talk about his shocking campaign that came out of nowhere to win the primary in Washington State District 7. Notes: Cliff Moon 4 Congress https://cliff4congress.com/ Find all our content at https://irida.tv
Primary Results, Election Integrity & More! With Mason WA Auditor Candidate Steve Duenkel (Ep.62)
Steve Duenkel joins us to share exciting news about recent primary results and what he plans to do as Auditor in Washington state’s Mason County. Notes: Steve Duenkel’s website https://steveforauditor.com/ Find all our content & social media at https://irida.tv
Voter Canvassing Reveals 58% Anomaly Rate – With Mason County WA Auditor Candidate Steve Duenkel (Ep.59)
Washington’s Mason County Auditor candidate Steve Duenkel joins us again for an update on the shocking results of the canvassing efforts in his county and how he plans to stir things up if elected. Notes: Steve Duenkel’s website https://steveforauditor.com IDEA handbook https://eods.eu/library/IDEA.Direct-DemocracyEN.pdf Washington State Association of County Auditors https://wsaca.org/ Washington House Bill 1060 https://app.leg.wa.gov/billsummary?BillNumber=1068&Year=2021&Initiative=false Find… Continue reading Voter Canvassing Reveals 58% Anomaly Rate – With Mason County WA Auditor Candidate Steve Duenkel (Ep.59)
Nobel Prize Nominee Dr. Douglas Frank PhD Discusses Science & Election Integrity (Ep.58)
Nobel Prize nominee & scientist Dr. Douglas G. Frank PhD joins us to discuss how his widely sought after modeling techniques led him from successful epidemiological data modeling to election fraud detection & prevention. Notes: Dr. Douglas G. Frank PhD biography https://truthandliberty.net/bio/dr-douglas-g-frank/ Dr. Douglas G. Frank PhD Telegram https://t.me/FollowTheData [S]ELECTION CODE https://selectioncode.com/ Precinct Strategy https://precinctstrategy.com… Continue reading Nobel Prize Nominee Dr. Douglas Frank PhD Discusses Science & Election Integrity (Ep.58)
Use This Simple Legal Notice To End All Remaining Mask & Vaccine Mandates (Ep.57)
Local activist Beth Neibert joins us again for an update on how she’s been helping fellow citizens put local businesses on notice if they still try and enforce illegal mask or vaccine mandates, and how fast they change course when informed accordingly. Notes: Beth Neibert’s show Real Talk Live https://rumble.com/c/RealTalkLive Legal notice https://irida.tv/oampevoa/2022/06/concerned-citizens-public-notice-rev-a.pdf Find all… Continue reading Use This Simple Legal Notice To End All Remaining Mask & Vaccine Mandates (Ep.57)